Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I keep falling behind...#22,23

#22: yesterday I was so thankful for the times when our kid's make the right choices. it doesn't always go that way but when it does, boy it feels good! (long story)
#23: today I am grateful for my treadmill! It has been FREEZING outside and no way I am going out there to walk. the treadmill has been a life saver...I've got a good routine down.


Julia Kelly said...

Best purchase I ever made was my treadmill! It really is the best to have it in my basement.

Yes, I know my kids are little and the choices they make probably aren't as important as your older kids...but nonetheless....still makes me feel good when they ctr!

Shannon said...

Those right choices sustain us through the not-so-great times.
And I look forward to having a treadmill one day... better still, a place to put one! :)