Friday, September 12, 2008

This Little Piggy Went To The Fair...

The pigs when they were "little"
Katie and Joslin getting acquainted with their pigs, Katie named her pig "Spanky" and Joslin's was "Bubbles". I don't know how they could tell them apart, they looked alike to me, but the girls could by the number of spots on their backs.
Katie and some of the other FFA kids hanging around the pig barn. They had to get up each morning about 6:30 to wash their pigs and clean their cages and feed them before the fair opened each day at 9am.
Pateros FFA 2008
The Okanogan County Fair was last week. As I've mentioned before Katie and her friend Joslin raised a pig this summer through FFA to sell at the fair. Unfortunately their pigs did not make weight. The minimum weight is 230# and Katie's pig was 195. I'm pretty sure both the girls have had dollar signs swirling in their heads all summer of how to spend their money but now that is not the case. They are going to get $450 each for their pigs but one of the Pateros FFA students sold his pig for just a little over $1,000 so the $450 doesn't sound so great. After you take out the expense of raising the pig: $110 for the pig itself and about $200 each for food that won't leave them with much. Bob actually paid for everything up front with the plan that the girls would pay him back after they received their fair money, which isn't until sometime in October. He did this for both Katie and her friend because Joslin's parent's were not able to afford to pay for it out of pocket ahead of time. After talking to a bunch of different parent's at the fair he agreed with Katie that she has to pay for the cost of the pig, but we will donate the cost of the food, but for Katie only. So Katie will end up with about $350 and her friend about $150. Unfortunatley Joslin has to pay her parent's back for a lost retainer that will be about what she earns so hopefully NEXT year will be a better year and we will get some fat piglets!


Julia Kelly said...

that's such a bummer about Katie and her friend's pig! With all the time and energy it took to take care of it and then to barely make any money I'm sure is disappointing.

Oh, and BTW, I emailed Brian tonight and I watched that segment that was on the Today Show about that one blogger. Do you think Brian will be able to check blogs on his mission?

Unknown said...

at least katie got something. .. but that isn't much consolation to her, I'm sure. will she want to do it again?

Julia Kelly said...

Hows David doing? Do you see him very often? Been thinking about him lately. Hope he's well and happy. :)