Saturday, September 4, 2010

last days of summer...

Well summer of 2010 is just about history. I must say this summer was full of some very high high's as well as some low low's! But we won't go into that. We decided to go to Lakeview Drive for one last family outing before everyone goes their separate ways. It is been tough even finding a few hours to spend together with various work schedules so we managed to squeeze it in before Kyle went to work at 1:30.


Shannon said...

Squeezing it in seems to be the key - you have to grab those few minutes of family time when you can get it! I am impressed you were able to get a table at Lakeview.

Shareen said...

That looks like the perfect spot to celebrate.

Linda Toolson said...

We have had a great time in Washington. Lots of highs for us. We will be heading toward home on Monday.