Sunday, March 8, 2009

Crossword Puzzle Clue (one across, four letters)

What is a shopper's paradise?
Answer: Sale (of course)
A couple days ago as I was working away on paper-work in my tiny little office at work (which happens to be right off the dining room where meals and most of the resident's activities happen). That particular afternoon the activity planned was a crossword puzzle. This was the first clue. Of course the word shoppers caught my attention so I listened on and I just kind of blurted out the answer, quietly I thought. But then I heard the activities director say, I heard someone say the answer, so I peeked my head around out the door and admitted it was me who knew that answer so quickly, haha. I have to say, they were pretty impressed.
The picture above shows my latest bargain. I found these cute rain boots at Macy's for ten bucks! That's right, ten bucks! I had been keeping my eye out for a cute little pair of rain boots for Katie and Joslin. I mean, you have to have cute boots when you go feed and water your pigs! I looked at Target and their boots were 24.99, not too bad I thought but still not on sale, so I kept looking, Then I found my bargain. They were on a rack that was 40% off, there was a sign that they were an additional 50% off, and of course I had a coupon to save an additional 20%. So there you have it, my ten dollar boots so the girls will look cute and stylish as they care for their pigs this spring/summer. Pitiful that this is all I have to blog about. :)


Anonymous said...

I might consider feeding and watering pigs if I had such cute boots to wear. Nothing like a good shopping find.

Shannon said...

Becky, you have a true gift for scouting out sales! Those boots are super cute... they will be the most stylish girls at the fair!

Linda Toolson said...

Very clever blog, Becky. You'll have to get a picture of the girls sloshing around with the pigs in the cute boots!

Julia Kelly said...

cute boots!!

Unknown said...

i agree with the cute boots comments. katie will look stylin' taking care of her pig!!