Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's August...


Pictures ahead may not be suitable for viewers with weak stomachs :)

This is Katie crazy on Morphine!

On the day of discharge we had to stop at WalMart to get pills. Katie got to ride the scooter.

We have a handi-cap person in the house now.

Outer ankle incision.

Inner leg staples.

Getting all fixed up.

Phase one of getting cast on.

almost done

I'm not sure Katie is all that impressed but at least it's hot pink!

You can definitely say that I am behind. In everything. As far as the computer goes I have had nothing but trouble for the past month. I will not go into detail but the computer that I was using (Brian's) crashed twice. It is still not working and that is ANOTHER project Bob has before Brian gets home (16 days btw). Then he had to finally reprogram an older computer he had and of course I lost all my passwords etc so it has just been a nightmare for a someone like me who gets frustrated in about 2 seconds.


Julia Kelly said...

I was so sorry to hear about Katie's broken leg. But, like you said, at least the cast is pink. I wish more then anything I could be there when Brian gets exciting!! Loraya and Jacob start school the 23rd.

Sorry about your computer trouble as well, what a pain!

Linda Toolson said...

I guess getting the cast on is the next phase in Katie's recovery. It doesn't look like a walking cast so she will be on her crutches for a while longer.

Pretty exciting about Brian.

Shareen said...

Those pictures are nasty. I hope Katie is feeling better.

Shannon said...

I am glad you are braving the comp problems and continuing to post! I have to look at those incision pictures with one eye closed - yikes! Poor Katie. Dumb luck!