Sunday, August 30, 2009

working hard for the money

Fair is just around the corner... and that means it's get down to business and make sure your prepared. Our biggest concern is making sure the pigs make weight so they can be sold for the going price. Katie is going every day to every other day to make sure they have food, takes them treats and has started mixing their grain with whole milk to add some extra calories. Kyle is being the nice brother and helping out. We unloaded ten - 50 pound bags of food that day, that should get them through!
I know it looks like they are big but according to our measurements and some formula they are a little on the small side still.
Enjoying their mud bath! Even pigs needs a few pleasures :)

Bob had to dig out Katie's shoe in the mud. It got stuck when she was chasing them around trying to get the measuring tape around the middle of the pig. Pretty sure those shoes will be in the trash in another week or two. Actually I'm sure of it.


Linda Toolson said...

This brings back memories of last year. I hope Katy is able to fatten up those pigs! It would be nice to make some money since that is the whole idea.

It still amazes me just a little that we have such farmers in the family.

Is the fair this coming weekend?

Bronte said...

Kyle is a nice brother to help with the food... Bob is even nicer to dig out that shoe! :) I hope Katie does well at the fair.

Shareen said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for Katie that those pigs eat up these last few weeks. That to me looks like great inspiration to go to college :)

Unknown said...

what an experience. . . i hope it is all worth it this year.