Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Last Weekend...

We made yet another one day round trip to Seattle and back. This time it was for Bob's uncle's 80th birthday. (This is Bob's Uncle Bob - ha) Just the two of us went and after the party was over we stopped by to visit Sean and Tiffany (David was working), Costco for pepperoni (our Costco no longer sells the big bag of pepperoni pieces), and a couple exchanges at the mall and then on our way home - got there about 12:15a.m.
I'm kinda ready to get done with those one day trips...for a while anyway!Uncle Bob and his wife.


Shannon said...

From your picture, Uncle Bob and his wife look like a sweet couple. And you left out your fun car-washing story! :)

Shareen said...

You sure fit in a lot in your one day. That is a lot of driving for one day.

becky said...

It would take way toooo long to explain that car wash story!