Friday, October 30, 2009

Isn't she lovely?

I try not to use my blog for bragging, but occasionally I just can't help it. You know?? Tonight was homecoming here in Pateros and Katie was the Junior class princess. A lot of work goes into this entire process. A trip to Seattle. Make-over at clinique make-up counter. Get hair done in Chelan. Best friend to help you put your make-up on!Katie and Joslin as they head down the driveway to go to football game.
Waiting for her turn to go out on field during half-time.
Bob was the lucky one who got to drive the convertible and show her off!
Mr. Football trying to get the tiara just right.

Katie and her escort, Paul with Ms. Volleyball and Mr. Football

(Shannon got some great pictures, she is going to email them to me and I will probaby post a few more.)

heading off the field...
I know it's not life or death but we were soooo thankful that it didn't rain tonight. Our weather has been rainy, windy, cloudy, sunny. You never know from minute to minute what is going to happen and we could only use this car if there was NO rain on the roads and thank goodness there wasn't! I told Katie the back-up plan would be riding in my car and I would open the sun roof and she could stick her head out. She said "that's would be dumb mom". True.


Linda Toolson said...

Congratulations to you Katie. You look beautiful. I'm glad you were able to have such a special night. WE send our love from Germany.

Shareen said...

You look like a pop star Katie. Congratulations!

Unknown said...

you look fantastic, katie! wish we could be there for all the fun.

Shannon said...

Katie, you are always beautiful, but you absolutely glowed! Congratulations :)