Wednesday, June 25, 2008

First Concert: Tim McGraw!!

One of Kyle's graduatin presents was two concert tickets to see Tim McGraw. He had mentioned several times that Katie had already been to several concerts (Destiny's Child and Black Eyed Peas) and here he was graduating and had not ever been to one. So I looked around on the internet and saw Tim was playing at the White River Amphitheatre in Auburn, Wa. I got him two tickets so he could take a friend, brother or whoever. After pretty much demanding, Kyle had only one option: take Brian. We all like Tim McGraw. I was jealous. They left Tuesday afternoon after Kyle's orthodontist appointment in Wenatchee and headed to Auburn. They said it was a great concert and had a really fun time. Next time however Kyle said he will bring a date because most people seemed to be there with dates and danced a lot to the songs he was singing! He didn't feel comfortable doing that with Brian :). Now Kyle can go to college and Brian can go on his mission not being deprived of the experience of going to see someone live in concert. They spent the night with their dad in Gig Harbor and then headed back to good old Pateros on Wednesday. They made a quick stop in Manson to visit Kristie and the "gang".


Julia Kelly said...

Jacob and I saw Tim McGraw in concert when we first started dating. It was an awesome show! Glad that boys had fun. My first concert that I went to wasn't until after I graduated. (so Kyle and Brian shouldn't feel too deprived.) I think is was either Garth Brooks or Shania Twain...can't remember.

I'm so glad that you have a blog now! :)

Unknown said...

I had to laugh at the picure of brian and kyle together. Kyle said he was pretty embarassed to ask someone to take it. He said he felt like they looked like a "couple". But glad they enjoyed it.
Having them stop by was the high light of the day for all the kids. Tell Kyle that they all love him. . . and Elizabeth's nose isnt broken!

Anonymous said...

Glad the guys had a great time. I wish they would have had time to come say goodbye to the house. After all, they spent their growing up years here.
I know their time was limited.

Shannon said...

It looks like Brian and Kyle had a great time. And thank heavens they won't have to feel deprived any more (haha). My first concert was the BeeGees when I was 11 or 12. Yikes!