Monday, April 30, 2012

What do I do you ask on weekends?

Well, let me show you! -
in no particular order cuz these loaded out of order!

First of all, trying out new recipes...
These two are amazingly good and easy, my two favorite combinations!

Making "take homes" for YW. They don't seem like they should take long but surprisingly they do!
The one below went with our Choice & Accountability Value, the 3 members of our presidency take turns once a month picking a value to focus on and give a little thought about it and of course it wouldn't be complete without something for them to take home!

I like a clean car so if there is a sunny Saturday I usually wash it! You know, Saturday is a special day.... :)

We finally got our piece of "man-made" granite to go over the top of the washer/dryer. It's hard to tell but it's white with little black flecks. It looks really nice. 
And of course little house projects, first I (well Bob and I) painted the laundry room door this fun color! Don't you think it's a good idea to make the laundry room a place that at least looks good even if you hate going in there!

I am also working on a ladder project that I will show you when I am done, I have to save something for May! 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Where does the time gooooo?

OK, I'll admit it.
I think Pinterest has taken over. Seriously addicted.
I almost forgot about blogging...almost
Let me just say
1. My life isn't super exciting, so I don't feel I have a whole lot to blog about!
2. I will try to be creative and at least blog once a month, minimum :)
3. Our girls weekend was SUPER fun. Seems like forever ago already. Wish we could just all live closer. Enough said.
All right, so this last week was Katie's spring break.
She has already come and gone and I didn't get many pictures but I did get this one (Katie actually took it of herself on my phone lol).
Of course the week went fast. It was a good week overall. I think the first break home is an interesting one. You kinda come home expecting everything to be the same, just how it was when you left and it kind of isn't!
Does that make sense?
It's this weird in between phase of a life you had and a new life your creating for yourself. I think that is kinda hard. Do you?
Overall though it was good.
Katie did get to see quite a few friends, (some she wanted to and they just didn't seem to make the time, hmmmm?), she cooked a meal for us, saw the movie "Hunger Games" twice, got a pedicure, went to Lakeview, did some shopping, got her hair done, went to a softball practice, went to a softball game, and got to drive her car again (that was a biggie for her!!)
Alas, Bob and Katie loaded up this morning and she is now back in Rexburg as I type!
Spring in a good time for new lots of different ways....
Here is a pic of her and her new hair do.
I think it looks pretty cute....
(she had her hair done by someone in Rexburg and they TOTALLY fried it, it was bad. I had never seen her hair in such bad condition, hence the bangs, shorter cut and a re-do on the color)
Thank goodness for the miracles of our stylist in Chelan! :)
See ya next month....