Saturday, July 30, 2011

what we've been up too...

Maddy needed a haircut in the worst way. Every time I called to see if I could make her an appointment at Petco they were full for days....of course I never thought about it days ahead, just usually the morning I was heading to Wentachee.
So, we thought what the heck! How hard can it be? It will always grow back!
My advice to anyone who might want to try this: DON"T. Your dog might be easier and better behaved but Maddy is scared of the smallest of noises so when those clippers came on, she was out of her mind. We got through it, but it wasn't easy.
There might or might not of been a little raising of voices during the process....
 It might be hard to tell but we cut off a lot. NO, it doesn't look like a professional did it, but as I said before:
it will always grow back.  :)
Bob was kinda happy cuz he said it saved him 40 dollars. I will pay double that next time as long as I don't have to do it!


Shannon said...

I seriously can't even imagine how you got Maddy to sit still for that... I am guessing you need another trip to the spa! ;)

becky said...

it was not easy and at one point Bob was trying to be as quick as possible and he had the scissors pointing towards Maddy's eye when he was cutting and then she would jerk real fast and I could freak out.....anyway it wasn't a pretty scene! :)

Linda Toolson said...

Glad you all survived. Maddy looks pretty cute. Now you know why they charge $40.00.