How in the world do you fit what you need for two years in one bag this size? This is about the size I would need for a week-end get-away. He is almost packed. Brian wants to buy a new pair of basketball shoes to take for P-day. He is allowed to bring two pair of basketball shorts so he is pretty excited thinking that means they can at least do some sort of physical activity (besides walking)

A few snacks for the 24 hour plane ride. Bob and I don't think he will sleep much with all that sugar!
Wow, I can't believe Brian's leaving so soon. I wish him all good things. He might want to pace himself with the candy - - do they sell those things in Brazil? It might need to last a while :)
That is crazy...seeing the suitcase makes it real that he leaves this week. We are looking forward to his talk tomorrow!
And it is nice to know what kind of candies he likes...we might want to send him a care package sometime in the next two years! :)
I would never be able to pack for 2 years in that tiny suitcase!
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