Monday, August 1, 2011

better late than never!

Bob reminded me over the week-end that we never "officially" celebrated Brian's birthday. I thought about it, and he was right!
Don't worry, he wasn't completely forgotten. His birthday fell while he still at school, during finals week. I send him a birthday package, deposited some money into his account and I know he received cards from grandmas and grandpa!
So we decided better late than never! Of course today I ended up having to work late but when I finally got off I rushed home and made his fav.....
chicken roll ups, mashed potatoes and corn. Katie brought a cheesecake home from work. Pretty simple but now we can say we "celebrated!"
How can he really be 23??????


Kurt said...

Looks like he needs to stand a little closer to his razor when he shaves!

Shannon said...

You didn't celebrate late... you just extended the celebration! :) Happy Birthday to Brian!

Julia Kelly said...

Happy Birthday Brian!