Sunday, January 9, 2011


This is just a writing post, no pictures.
So I finally have a facebook page, thanks to Katie.
I have not decided if I like it yet or not.
I am confused about exactly what to do with it.
I have getting tons and tons of email's now of people wanting to be "friends".
I don't know if I have time to keep up a blog, read emails and keep up a facebook page.
So, you all out there tell me WHY it is a good thing to have a facebook and what the heck do I do now that I have one???

Thanks :)


Shannon said...

I have been asking myself the same questions ever since I started my account!
Good: a way to keep in touch with people who use fb but don't blog or respond to other emails, and a little window into your kids world.
Bad: friend requests from people you hardly know, and the volume of posts - it is easy to miss people's news in all of the random "farm games" and "questions answered".
Use: I check mine about once a week and click directly on contacts who I want to check in with. So... if you ever really need to get in touch with me, text first, then email or blog. I probably won't get the fb message for a few days! :)

Shareen said...

First, it's perfectly fine to ignore friend requests. I think most of these people send out massive amounts of requests and won't notice if you don't friend them anyway. Second, you must learn how to block things on Facebook. You go to the right of a post, like Farmville or Mafia Wars or favorite color quiz or whatever, and an X box appears. Click on it and then you can choose Hide all Farmville, HIde all posts by this person, etc. I hide all games, plus some posts from people who like to update several times a day about their latest lunch, gas fill-up, etc. Does that sound mean? But it limits my posts to ones I'm actually interested in looking at. Then I can just look at it for about 5 minutes a day and see everything I'm interested in.

Shareen said...

On the positive side, I find out things about people that I wouldn't have otherwise. Plus it's a way to keep up minimal contact with friends I don't talk to as often.

Julia Kelly said...

Yes, I love facebook. It's the easiest way to keep up with family, friends. I love to catch up on what all my nieces and nephews are doing among others. Like Shareen said you must learn to hide games, quizes ect. Also many people use facebook...blogs take a bit more work and emails are most of the time long. Facebook you can just post a quick hello or whatever and be done. I check facebook at least once a day, sometimes more. :)

Julia Kelly said...

oh, and don't 'friend' everyone! I had to go back to defriend some people because they were writing too many annoying things and honestly I don't care about what they are eating for dinner. So, texting is the best way to keep in touch with you? :)