Friday, June 29, 2012

It's always something.....

I realized June is almost over and I have not done one post! Shame on me!
So I decided on the title of this post because isn't it really true? It's always something it seems, big or small.
When I got home from work today Bob's simple project of painting a door for someone turned into a mess as the sprayer he used decided to "blow up" and he ended up covered in paint splatter from head to toe. After he got that mess cleaned up he discovered the disposal was clogged. It may or may not have been due to someone (heehee) dumping a bunch of sticky rice down the disposal and then not properly turning on the "on" button and running water long enough. Whoops. So the rice pretty much turned to glue in I ended up with this mess as Bob thought he was just going to clean out the disposal but then found out there was a crack in it and for sometime now had been spraying all kinds of liquid under the sink, yay!!
As I's always something.